Professional hearing loss

Professional hearing loss

Do you work in a noisy environment? Increasingly, excessive noise levels are a daily reality for millions of people. In this article, we'll explain the impact that overexposure to noise can have on your general health, and how to protect your hearing in a noisy environment.

Working in a noisy environment

Constant exposure to loud noise in your working environment can affect your hearing health: tinnitus, pain and discomfort... it can even lead to hearing loss! This is occupational deafness. 

In addition to their impact on hearing health, noisy environments can cause problems for the nervous and cardiac systems.

So it's much more important to protect yourself from loud noises! 


How can you protect your hearing in noisy environments? 

The first and most important step is always to physically protect your ears with the methods provided in the workplace. We're talking about : 

  • Standard foam plugs ; 

  • Custom caps, which professionals like those at Laflamme & Associés can provide; 

  • Ear muffs. 

Depending on the work environment, it may be worthwhile combining several protection methods. 

Then work with your employer to adapt your work environment: modernize equipment so that it makes less noise, insulate rooms better, etc.

Don't forget to take more frequent breaks, to relieve your ears from exposure to loud noises. You can also move away from the noise to reduce its amplitude, if your job permits.

To find out more, watch this information capsule.

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